I could focus on Brexit and discuss with you the whys and wherefores. However, I believe that the best approach is a pragmatic one to help you to move.....
Did you know that it is a legal requirement under the Employment Rights Act 1996 that your employees have a written statement of particulars, ie, a written.....
That’s right. According to current legislation, it’s really easy to get caught out. There’s a piece of legislation called the Employment Rights.....
I often hear mixed opinions about the value of inducting a new employee as some managers would argue that it takes alot of time to invest in inducting.....
What actually motivates employees? Is it the money? Is it taking satisfaction from a job well done? Is it working in a challenging work environment? Anything.....
Key Facts • The number one reason why people leave a Company is because of their manager. • On average it costs up to £7,500 to replace a leaver......