Setting Sail on the Redundancy Journey - Top Tips for Avoiding the Turbulent Seas

Setting Sail on the Redundancy Journey - Top Tips for Avoiding the Turbulent Seas

Navigating the treacherous waters of redundancy can be a challenging journey for people managers. Just as seasoned sailors rely on their navigational skills and a trusted crew, it's vitally important that managers understand the legal landscape and engage their team when facing the redundancy process. In this nautical-themed article, we'll explore the key steps and considerations for managers as they embark on their redundancy voyage.

1.  Charting the Legal Course

In our maritime journey, it's essential  that managers set their course by understanding the legal framework and have a trusted pair of hands to help them to navigate their way through it. The Employment Rights Act 1996 and the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 serve as the charts that guide the redundancy voyage.

2.  Crew Engagement

Before hoisting the redundancy sails, managers must engage in a meaningful consultation process with their crew – the employees. Just as a ship's captain consults with the crew on important decisions, employers must discuss the reasons for redundancy, alternative solutions, and the potential redundancy packages with their team.

3.  Navigating the Selection Criteria

When navigating stormy seas, sailors rely on precise maps, and managers should establish transparent and objective selection criteria for choosing who goes overboard. Skills, performance, length of service, and disciplinary records can serve as navigational beacons. It's vitally important to ensure that these criteria are communicated clearly and are fair for all members of the crew.

4.  Sailing Through Collective and Individual Waters

Depending on the size of the vessel, managers may need to consult with the trade winds – trade unions or staff representatives – when making collective redundancies, involving 20 or more members of the crew within 90 days. For individual redundancies, the consultation process may be less formal but should be carried out fairly and in line with legal requirements.

5.  Anchoring Notice Periods

Employers must drop anchor by providing employees with notice of their impending departure. Just as ships have different anchor sizes, notice periods vary based on the length of service. Consider whether to allow crew members to work their notice or provide pay in lieu of notice.

6.  Batten Down the Hatches for Redundancy Pay

Crew members who've been part of the voyage for at least two years are entitled to statutory redundancy pay. Calculate the amount based on age, length of service, and earnings, keeping in mind the cap on the amount. Some generous captains offer enhanced redundancy packages beyond the statutory minimum.

7.  Offering Support in Stormy Seas

In rough waters, the support of the crew is vital. During the redundancy process, ensure that the crew members have access to career guidance, retraining, and counseling services where needed. This will help them weather the storm and navigate their own course forward.

8.  Exploring Uncharted Territories

Before abandoning ship, explore alternative routes, such as reduced working hours, temporary layoffs, or reassignment to different roles. These uncharted territories may help the organisation to retain valuable crew members and keep the ship afloat.

9.  Logging the Journey

Maintaining an accurate ship's log is critical. Record minutes of consultation meetings, written communications, and any agreements reached with the crew. Just as a logbook helps a sailor keep track of their maritime journey, documentation ensures that the manager has a record of their redundancy voyage.

10.  Post-Voyage Support

After the redundancy voyage is complete, offer ongoing support to the remaining crew. Just as sailors debrief after a challenging expedition, ensuring that the remaining team receives support and maintains a positive work environment to keep the ship sailing smoothly.


Navigating the redundancy process is akin to setting sail on a challenging maritime journey. By following this nautical guide, you can manage the process effectively, keeping your ship steady and respecting the rights and well-being of all your crew members as you navigate through the redundancy storm. Remember, redundancy isn't just about cutting costs but also about steering your ship through change while maintaining a strong and supportive crew.

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